Singing Loudly: Throwing Caution Somewhere

Singing Loudly

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Throwing Caution Somewhere

Erin remarks that with age comes her acceptance of taking risks. She notes that even if there isn't a happy ending she at least tried.

It isn't age that makes me take risks. No, rather, it is often the fact that I don't think things can get so bad. At least, they don't have to and certainly usually aren't worse than things were to begin with. Which is why today I asked my hair, "what the have you done for me lately?"

I've been red and a little out of control...

"That is you're don't do what I want anymore."

Don't do anything silly.

"Why not?"

Because I'll fall out.

"I'll buy Rogaine."

I'll turn gray

"I won't care."

I'll fall out after you spend money on Rogaine.

That was the final straw. First my hair talks and then it talks back to me. I drove right over to the Target type store and bought the first clipper set I saw. Once home I plugged the thing in and shaved most of my hair off my head. The hair is red and now my scalp can become sunburned to match.

Like I said, I don't think that it could end up any worse than it was to begin with.


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