Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Giving, Gives, Gave
First, just donate today. If you're like me, just take a sack lunch to work today instead of spending money on a hamburger meal. Give.
Second, find a place to look at some of the's horrific but we need to understand what people are going though.
I have seen several reports about the rampant looting happening in New Orleans right now and honestly it makes me nauseous. There are people dying and in need of help and when you turn on the tv you see footage of people carrying off jewelry and tv's. It makes me lose faith in humanity seeing things like that. Thanks for restoring a little by encouraging the good in others. This tragedy affects everyone, not just the people living there and I hope others follow your example.
, atThe looting is pretty ridiculous. The scary thing is the amount of weapons they are stealing now.