And I question whether Republicans have any other words to say in response to being sued. Can you guess what they called the lawsuit?
Tracey Schmitt, the RNC's press secretary, called the lawsuit frivolous.
Officials at Spalding did not respond to calls seeking comment, but a company lawyer, William H. Hollander, said in a letter to Gossett's attorney that his design doesn't meet the legal test of being "substantially similar" to Spalding's.
I'm bothered because either the RNC does not know what the word frivolous means, or they are to nonchalant in using the word. Even if you are for reforming the tort/class action process, you have to be bothered when people continue to use the term frivolous. The rhetoric is going to simply turn into noise and nobody will care when you're screaming about frivolous lawsuits.
Perhaps the RNC meant to say that it is a meritless lawsuit?