Sunday, September 05, 2004
Vegas 3: That was a crazy game of poker
I got home a couple of hours ago after a good trip to Vegas. The casinos weren't as full as I thought they would be over a holiday weekend. It did start to pick up a little last night. In poker I ended up winning a pretty good amount. Mikal was playing at the table with me. After a few of the drinks we decided that drunk poker, while fun, is a good way to start losing. I went to the dollar slot machines for awhile and then walked around with Maggie. We found a neat ice cream place and got waffle cones with really good ice cream in it. It was a lot like the marble slab type places. Anyhow, I'm home and a little hung over. I'm catching up on some of my reading, so I'll be posting some more intellectual (i.e. boring) things later.