I get to the grocery store and remember that I need dental products. I buy some Toms of Maine toothpaste, because I hear nothing but good things about it. Plus I find it entertaining to stick it to the really big dental product companies like Proctor and Gamble and whoever makes Colgate crap. Then I buy some Listerine mouthwash (I realize it's a big company too) even though the store brand would have been cheaper. On occasion, although not usually, I can be quite a name whore. Then I am forced to buy a name brand toothbrush because I had the bristles fall out of a crappy store brand brush once. I wouldn't want that to happen again. My experience with a generic cotton swab had a worse outcome when the tip fell into my ear canal. I don't want to relive the nightmare of the ear, throat, and whatever specialist laughing at me again, so I'm going to move on.
As I was walking out of the aisle I remembered that I should grab some of my favorite floss. The only shit that really works well. Glide Floss made by W.L. Gore, which is, yes, also a big name company. You've seen it before, look...

It's great stuff. I look around and then notice that it's repackaged. Now it's owned by Proctor and Gamble! I was furious as I stomped around in the aisle like a little toddler who can't get the corndogs. I sort of hit the packages and gave the lady next to me an evil eye when I noticed her watching my tantrum.
Even though I'm worried that Crest is going to be manufacturing this and that'll shred and whatever I still buy it. To console my disappointment I go ahead and buy two bags of some cool mix called "Homemade Cookies for Dummies." This is what I need. Erin knows that I can't bake cookies. I really can't unless they are break and bake. At least with this mix I still can add my own egg and milk or whatever is needed. I swear I'm bad with cookies. Just last week I called my grandmother to beg her to bake me cookies and send them. She agreed to the cookies but wouldn't meet my demand of making the kind with a hershey's kiss on top. She thought the kisses would melt in mail. Probably but it's my request so if I want melted kisses then I get melted kisses. But I don't get the melted kisses. Instead I will get either chocolate chips or snickerdoodles. Oh well.
As soon as I got home I looked up this Glide Floss merger with Crest to see what happened. The W.L. Gore website tells me good news:
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., today announced it is selling its GLIDE® dental floss brand to Procter & Gamble of Cincinnati, Ohio. The sale involves a cash transaction as well as a separate long-term production agreement that calls for Gore to continue to develop and supply GLIDE® floss products exclusively to Procter & Gamble. Procter & Gamble will market and sell GLIDE® floss under the existing brand name, which P&G will own.
Good! It'll still be the same high quality floss for the time being. Now I'll be able to get those cookie remnants out of my teeth before I fall asleep at night.