Singing Loudly: In the Courtroom: Again

Singing Loudly

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

In the Courtroom: Again

The more I think about this part of the Slate review, the more disgusted I am.

Not a single person on-screen is attractive; the closest we come is one juror who looks a little like a puffy Martha Plimpton with bad skin.

I'm watching these first two right now, and the majority of the people aren't bad looking. Perhaps they won't get picked to star in a TV reality show like The Real World, but I can't figure out the point. Why say that nobody is attractive? Why not just say, "you see people who wouldn't otherwise be on TV. This show, while reality, is more true than so called Reality-TV shows"?

Besides, the student named Jennifer appears to be attractive. Unfortunately she has insane (inept?) views about evidence.


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