I've ironed out my schedule for this semester, and I'm a little surprised how left-leaning my load is this time.
Consumer Law: obviously a class that is oriented towards helping the underdog against the corporate machine. At least, if we're going to use cliches and vague descriptors to describe the law. It isn't the other side of the coin: creditor's rights.
Criminal Clinic Chief: This is simply helping the new clinic students win criminal trials against the DA's. At least by most impressions (although I disagree) this is a liberal thing to do.
Constitutional Criminal Procedure: I'm not really sure if this is left-leaning or not. I think it's actually ambigious and depends on the professor's sylibus.
Death Penalty Project: A writing class that has a guest speakers so that we are able to follow a death penalty case. Not difficult to find here in Texas. Of course, it is going to be slanted towards the problems with the death penalty, which I'm fine with.
Professional Responsibility: No comment.
Monday, August 23, 2004
Classes Classes all Liberal Classes