Singing Loudly: Curb Your Evidence - a script of a meeting

Singing Loudly

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Curb Your Evidence - a script of a meeting

I don't think this story is getting enough attention in the legal blog world, so I wanted to make a quick reference. Essentially the cut footage from a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry went to the Dodgers game with a prostitute helped keep one suspect from being convicted.

It goes beyond being a cute story to tell, because the guy was held in jail for nearly a half a year, has a daughter and family, and was up for the death penalty.

Catalan, who could have faced the death penalty had he been convicted of murder, was released in January because a judge ruled there was no evidence to try him.

With baseball and Curb Your Enthusiasm you really can't go wrong. I've got a little script from David, his wife Cheryl, and the innocent Juan Catalan meeting for dinner.

Juan: Very nice too meet you Mr. David.

Larry: Oh, don't mention it, it's not a problem.

Juan: I'm a little nervous as I haven't really seen your show.

Larry: Haven't seen the show? What no cable tv?

Juan: We get cable we just don't get HBO or other shows.

Cheryl: Have you ever ate here Juan?

Juan: No ma'am this is my first time.

Larry: Couldn't you buy the dvds?

Juan: I'm sorry Mr. David...

Cheryl: (interrupting and looking at Larry) Larry! You just... (looks back to Juan) The food is very good. I would suggest to you the three-cheese chicken. That's my favorite. You like that one don't you Larry?

Larry: I like everything here. What's not to like about the place. Look at the walls they don't have silly things hanging on them. That's how you know you're at a place with bad food, silly decorations. Where do you like to eat?

Juan: I really like TGI Fridays.

Larry: Oh Fridays! Oh yeah, that is good. Who needs places like this when you've got Fridays. Cheryl why didn't we take Juan to Fridays?

Cheryl: We could have done that but I thought you wanted to take him somewhere he hadn't been before...

Larry: Yeah, but here we've got to say hi to everyone who we know. I'd rather be at Fridays where I could relax. I like places like that. You know stuff on the walls.

Juan: I only like it because it's cheap.

Larry: Haha! See Juan has his priorities straight. I would too if I didn't have to make Cheryl happy. She's the one who wanted to come here tonight.

Cheryl: Larry that is simply not true.

Larry: Oh yes it is. Who do you believe Juan?

Juan: I'm sorry Mr. David but I think Mrs. David is honest.

Larry: Well, I don't know what to say to this. I really don't. Here I saved your life and you call me a liar? I'm taking you out to dinner!? You should be taking me out to dinner!

Cheryl: Larry that is quite enough...Waiter, we're ready to order.

Larry: I don't think I'm even hungry anymore. I save a man's life and this is the thanks I get.

Juan: (runs out of the restaurant).

Cheryl: See what you did Larry?

Larry: Let's just order. (end scene)


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