Singing Loudly: Weird Ducks

Singing Loudly

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Weird Ducks

Interestingly enough I had an experience with waddling ducks a couple days ago much like Heidi Bond. Heidi attempted to approach the ducks and they stood up and waddled away. I didn't approach the ducks as I've had enough bad experiences with geese to last me another week or two, however, I saw them waddling away from me. To really understand how strange this was you need to know that I was in the middle of campus. The only wildlife I ever see on campus are squirrels sunning on the sidewalk, refusing to move out of my way so I have to walk across the grass.

Yesterday I walked out from a building after a final and saw two ducks waddling across the yard while being followed by a cat. (Was this some sort of a sign?) None of the animals seemed very agitated -- the ducks were just waddling and the cat just seemed a little curious -- so I was tempted to approach them. I didn't because I figured if this was a sign it was best left unmessed with. I would have to guess the ducks were about five miles from any pond, creek, or lake.
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