It is unfortunately true that in the past month, Chipotle, one of my favorite restaurants, has stolen money from me. They have done this by charging me twice on my debit card. I doubt that it's intentional as the employee wouldn't get anything out of it. However, it is frustrating nevertheless because I do not know what to do.
Proof is in the screenshot (I guess) and I have one from October 10:
And it happened earlier on September 25:
I wouldn't mind if it had just happened one time but this is a little too much. Should I call the store? Provide them with a copy of my debit card transactions? Email them the link to this blog posting?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Chipotle Steals My Money
How about calling the bank.
By kmsqrd, at 5:52 PM, October 14, 2006
calling the bank would be the easiest way to fix the problem
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