If you cannot at least call me, the chances of me hooking up with you are so slim it is ridiculous. Seriously, if I have not talked to you in two weeks there is a reason. Do not text me at midnight and say that you will meet or call me later. It’s not going to happen for you. Instead, I am going to play along and then ignore your pathetic phone call at 3 a.m. I am mean like that.
The only thing I disagree with is the last sentence. I don't think it's being mean, I think that the guy is only getting what he deserves. Sending a text message for all but limited circumstances is rude, impersonal, and annoying.
I remember that a couple years ago Ireland was far ahead of America with the text messaging. It went on everywhere. The only thing is that they appeared to have a better grasp of the subtle manners that should go with text messaging. They had it set up so that you could text message to get a list of bus schedules from the bus companies: cool. People in pubs would sometimes text message their friends to say "We're at the Boarhead right now having a pint, come by." Also a good way to avoid having to call someone while they are in a loud setting. With a group of friends you get a call that you politely don't answer and send a text message to say "I'll call you later this evening." Is possibly appropriate.
However, it's not ok to text message someone for hours. If you have this much free time you should just give me a call and talk to me. It's not ok to text message someone while you're having dinner with a group of friends. The text needs to be discrete and at a time when you won't draw attention to yourself. Finally, if you want a booty call you should at least have the decency to call the person.