I watched her show and thought she was just a whiney, immature girl. Seeing this clip it certainly seems that she hasn't grown up any since her MTV series. It doesn't surprise me at all that she lip synchs to her music. I hope that people who wasted their money buying tickets to her concerts are given refunds if they don't want to go and see it. Instead of being honest about the lip synching she blamed it on the band playing the wrong song.
I guess that we shouldn't be surprised because Ashlee has obviously lied to us before:
From Lucky Magazine interview:
LM: What are your takes on lip-synching?
AS: I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me.
Indeed, Ashlee. Indeed.
It's a little upsetting that SNL has foregone their policy of not allowing lip synching. I guess that they decided that if they were going to bring in the "popular" acts they have to allow them to lip synch.
One thing good to come of this was that SNL brought us the funny again.