Many of you ask me to e-mail you personally. Please don't think I'm being a dick if I don't. I couldn't possibly e-mail everyone. That's what's so cool about this blog; it enables me to talk to all of you at once. But if I began to write to everyone individually, I'd never have time to wash myself. It's not that I fear that we'll get close, have an affair and then you'll freak out and boil my rabbit on the stove. I don't even have a rabbit, or a pot big enough to boil one in. I do have a stove; but no rabbit and no pot...irrelevant. Can't do it...rabbit or not.
You'll be glad to know that I have bid adieu to showers so that I can respond to all emails. I figure that will kill two birds with one stone. You'll be happy to have a personal email and I won't have to worry about us getting close as my rank smell will drive you away.